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Fifty shades of gray: Scales of action and valuation of apparent concrete at the University of Brasilia, Brazil


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Maíra Oliveira Guimarães (Brazil) 5359
Maíra Oliveira Guimarães é arquiteta e designer, sócia fundadora do estúdio Coarquitetos. Formada na Universidade de Brasília, possui dupla graduação em Architettura per il Restauro e la Valorizzazione del Patrimonio (2014) pelo Politecnico di Torino, Itália, e é doutoranda na linha de pesquisa em Patrimônio e Preservação (2018-2022) da Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da UnB, sob orientação da professora emérita Sylvia Ficher. Participou em 2015 do inventário do Catetinho, sob contratação do Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional – Iphan. Em 2019, apresentou artigo sobre Museu de Arte de Brasília no XIII Seminário Docomomo Salvador.
Scientific production

GKA ARTS 2022:     3rd International Conference on Arts and Cultures

Architecture Heritage Apparent concrete Modernism


The heritage site of Brasília includes interesting buildings in apparent concrete that have successively been through reforms in the cladding and covering of their façades. The most frequent kind of renovation, used as often in residential architectures as in the official architectures of the city, is the full painting of the structures in different shades of gray. Usually, it is the social displeasure at the marks of aging on the material that motivates the choice of such a strategy, but a different situation occurs at the University of Brasília: structures in apparent concrete are being painted gray in order to cover artistic manifestations or political graffiti made by campus' own users. The present article investigates such occurrences and researches what are the relevant architectural values taken into such choices.