Scientific production
Viviane Ines Weschenfelder
- Universidad de Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS) (Brazil)
Viviane has a Ph.D. and a Master's degree in Education from Unisinos University. She is graduated in History and Pedagogy. In 2017, she developed a doctoral internship at the University of Wisconsin - Madison/USA. Viviane has experience as a teacher and as a pedagogical coordinator in primary schools. Nowadays, she works as an Assistant Professor at Unisinos University, teaching undergraduate and specialization courses, as well as coordinating teacher training at the Innovation, Evaluation, and Teacher Education Department. She is a member of the two groups of research, about Teaching, Pedagogies, and Differences (GIPEDI/UNISINOS/CNPq) and Inclusion (GEPI/UNISINOS/CNPq). She works with themes related to race relations and education, affirmative politics, teacher education, cultural differences, and processes of inclusion/exclusion. She is the author of the book “Processos de (in)visibilidade do sujeito negro: o Jornal de Venâncio Aires/RS em questão”, published by Edunisc (2015).
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Book chapters
Perspectivas para a educação contemporânea