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In 1933, the The German Art Report published a five point manifesto for purifying German art, in other words describing what German artists could expect from the government. The main points: the removal of all art works of a cosmopolitan or Bolshevist nature from German museums and collections, the removal of all museum directors who wasted public funds by purchasing "un-German" art and construction of the boxlike buildings, and the removal of all public sculptures not approved by the German public. In 1937, German state-owned museums were purged of modern art by the government, a total of some 15,550 works being removed. The Degenerate Art exhibit opened by the National Socialist Party on July 19, 1937. It was a collection of over 650 paintings, sculptures, prints and books from 32 state-owned museums. Some of the degenerate art works was sold at auction in Switzerland in 1939 and more was disposed of through private dealers. About 5,000 items were secretly burned in Berlin later that year. Between the years 1937-1940 the exhibit was viewed by over four million visitors throughout Germany and Austria. This study aims to review the period between 1933-1940 in context of art politics.

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Beste Gokce Parsehyan (Turkey) 7805
Scientific production

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