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According to Larry Kramer, it was that ''art'' -- the street theater, the protest graphics -- that mattered. ''It was the only thing we had, the only way we could get any attention,'' he says.Design activism has become a subject of great interest and research for the last decade. It plays a crucial role in motivating social change, raising awareness about values and beliefs, or questioning the effects of mass production and consumption on people's daily lives.For these reasons, both the impact of design on the design culture belonging to the design world and its connection with the culture which belongs to the wider expression of culture is important in terms of designing the future of societies.In this study, based on the idea that a real reaction will occur if the common perceptions of the universe are disrupted, it is aimed to rethink graphic design activism as a way of giving form to culture towards greater and more direct social and environmental benefit, and to examine the ideas and works of individual graphic designer activist who produce in this field. I will also touch on a point of how design activism functions not only as a socio-political practice but also as an aesthetic practice through some examples of activist graphic design in the context of desruptive design as a method and tool commonly used in graphic design activism practice.

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Özgün Özkeskin 3302
Scientific production

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