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The importance of smart phones in our lives increases with the development of technology. Equipped with high-definition cameras and a continuous internet connection, our phones push us to more documentation, while social media platforms such as Instagram and Twitter encourage us to record, share, follow, like and dislike. On the other hand, social media documentary created the impulse to share, because people have 24 hours available audience. When uploading photos to these platforms, we are able to play and manipulate them as we wish. This research tries to emphasize how art has become an object of social photography with the development of social media. The works of art were difficult to reach and used to specific to a field. With the development of technology and the growth of social media platforms in our lives, we started to experience the artworks from the Instagram posts of others. How does this change our gestures during an art event? In particular, museums and galleries to keep pace with this development and opened pop-up museums began to allow visitors to experience art with themselves. In May 2019 the first and only interactive museum in Turkey Happy Hour opened. This research examines how sharing artwork on social media platforms changes the experience of other people with an art project created with 3,360 LED bulbs. The project aims to manipulate visitors' photographing experiences by creating a work of art that looks degraded and does not appear properly when viewed with a phone camera. The research focuses on the experiences of people during an art event and examines how it affects people's experiences by focusing on the memory, gesture and atmosphere of an artwork, in addition to the theoretical framework research in photographic theory.

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Sena Örücü (Turkey) 8446
Scientific production

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