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The exhibition in the Museum for Communication in Frankfurt is a product of the research project “Hands and Objects in Language, Culture, and Technology: Manual Actions at Workplaces between Robotics, Gesture, and Product Design” (MANUACT), realized by the Technical University of Chemnitz in the years  between  2015  and 2018.   The exhibition is the “recontextualization” of the results in a museum space with an artistic perspective. Besides gestures of no verbal communication between humans, includes also so called “object-related gestures” like the hand movements making a phone call, and reflects the interaction of human gestures with digital interfaces and roboters. Our analysis of the exhibition focuses on changes in the digital age and how  the future (“the day after tomorrow”) is visualized, with special interest on the relation gesture-image in the objects and installations exposed.

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Main author information

Elke Köppen 1189
Scientific production

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