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Anthropology as a subject of humanities has a world wide scope and is known as a interesting subject that covers both Past and present societies. It is relatively a new science whose formal foundation as a discipline was laid not earlier than 1970’s in Pakistan. However the severe neglect towards it may lead to premature death of the discipline. After almost half a century of continuous struggle to make its place in the region, it is heartening to see it taking its last breathes. The significance of the study lies in highlighting the causes leading to demotion of the discipline rather than its promotion. The objectives of the research are to study the unwelcoming attitude of the stakeholders at institutional level, to identify gaps in national educational policy that has reduced space for the promotion of this subject and analyzing the future of anthropology in Pakistan through Spencerians’ paradigm of survival of the fittest. The research data is inclusive of documents archived from the websites of Higher Education Institutes of Pakistan, policy documents, and expert interviews from practicing anthropologists and FGDs from the anthropological community. Besides the lack of departments and job opportunities for anthropologists, the mindset of the people is also leading to a lack of congenial environment for growth of anthropology. The new programs are not much appreciated. Also Shortage of faculty at mostly universities is the indicator of lack of interest in the management towards this discipline’s significance and progression. The study is not meant to bring the issue in limelight to raise advocacy on the issue, but to bring activism duly supported by anthropological community worldwide.

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Main author information

Mahwish Zeeshan (Pakistan) 13940
Scientific production

Co-authors information

Dr. Abid Chaudhry (Pakistan) 13979
Scientific production

