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Gender studies in Algeria have lately been given some place in the country's sociolinguistic research areas. This ultimately has led scholars and postgraduates to be more and more interested in this avenue of exploration. One such area that is taking place of pride concerns issues on differences between males and females and related to their gender social, economic and institutional statuses in the country. We shall present a number of linguistic, sociolinguistic and institutional markers as indicators showing the hiatus that exists between the official and social attributes of the Woman in Algeria and field reality. This in turn highlights the extent to which Human Rights can be unveiled by sociolinguistic markers, indicators and paradigms. We shall expose how on the linguistic plane, morpho-syntactic markers are indicative of male dominance. Similarly, and from a sociolinguistic perspective, female speech is dictated by social rules as to the way they use speech in general in unrestreined contexts (female/female, female/male and mixed female and male interactions and discourse). Turn taking in discourse between these social settings will be illustrated as a point in case. This presentation centres specifically around some sociolinguistic issues tackled in the frame of the dominance theory in Oran speech community. According to Article 34 of the Algerian Constitution, all citizens are equal before the law. No discrimination shall prevail because of birth, race, sex, opinion or any other personal or social condition or circumstance. To what extent are equality rights valid politically, socio-economically and culturally regarding gender in Algeria? Are women, whose protection is guartanteed by the law and state institutions, given proper human rights in the society? Genderly speaking, does the Algerian female enjoy freedom as much as the Algerian male does? The issue raised here is to see how these facts are reflected in language and discourse.
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