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Land Use undergoes continuous change. The rate and magnitude of change may vary due to various anthropogenic and biophysical processes. Various developmental processes act as catalyst in bringing about socio-economic and environmental changes at both micro and macro level. These changes have positive as well as negative implications for urbanization of the region. Highways, as an agent of integration of rural and urban economic activities, have led to the development and expansion of Jaipur city into peripheral region. The change detection study aids planners in formulating policies to ensure optimal land utilization and sustainable urban growth. Therefore, the objective of the study is to identify and analyze changes in Land Use and Household Densification along National Highway – 8 in rural- urban fringe of Jaipur using digital techniques. Analysis of identified land use classes is done using  Landsat 5 TM imageries (path 147/row 41  having 30 m resolution acquired from for years 1989, 1997 and 2011) using ERDAS IMAGINE 10 and Arc GIS 9.3 softwares. Unsupervised classification is performed and statistics generation is carried out in Arc Gis 9.3. Summary of results indicate that the growth of Jaipur along the highway is more towards South as compared to North. Built Up Area has increased manifold, whereas there is decrease in Culturable Wasteland. Significant changes in Water bodies and Forest Area is also identified. Village level change in household pattern in corridors 1, 2 and 3 is identified through Densification Index using Census data for 1991, 2001 and 2011. Results are interpreted using Arc Gis 9.3, which show that corridor 1 has higher densification as compared to the other two corridors. The probable reasons for the same would be discussed in the study. For the above mentioned reasons the current research theme becomes relevant.

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Pratidnya Mane (India) 13683
Scientific production

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