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In a state like Kerala, especially the Malabar region where livelihood and sustenance of majority of the population was based on agriculture and animal husbandry about 40 decades ago, the impact that ICT diffusion has brought into various facets of life is remarkable. What triggered this shot is an interesting question to be pondered upon. Studies indicate a somewhat dramatic relationship in the number of people migrating to other countries, mainly to the gulf countries and the speed with which ICT has diffused into the households. This study aims to explore the role of gulf migration as a crucial factor in accelerating technological diffusion in the Malabar region of Kerala. Researcher used ethnographic method to explore the history of the process of technological diffusion. 5 districts of the northern part of area formed the area of the study. From the five districts samples were selected from Kozhikode, Malappuram and Kannur were selected as it had the highest number of gulf migrants. The researcher used unstructured interview to collect the data. The challenge before the researcher is that whether the sample from which the ethnographic data is to be collected will be representative of the population.
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