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The proposal of this paper is to show the recent impact of the new European right in this years’ elections and how the policy makers of Holland, France and Germany are trying to contain it. The Dutch liberals, the French socialists and the German conservatives have different views about economics, immigration and Europe. However, both of them are looking for manners to stop the rise of those whose main objectives are the dismantling of the European liberal order. The victory of Donald Trump, Brexit and the influence of Russia menaces the European status quo, already paralyzed by the current economic and refugee crises. The new rhetoric echoes in the discourse of the Front Nationale in France, Party for Freedom in Holland and the Alternativ für Deutschland. Their position is against free-trade, European integration and freedom press values. It echoes in the middle class – enraged against what they consider an inoperative European Union and politicians linked to traditional parties. The case in Holland, for instance, will analyze how the liberals maintained the center coalition and isolated the Party for Freedom, but not without shifting the political spectrum to the right. That result was a coalition more skeptic to the GIPSI crises (an acronym for Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain and Italy). It also shows skepticism towards an ever-closer union and immigration. In France, the situation is mainly due to the hostility against the traditional political organizations, pressing the socialists to support a political party outside the status quo. Finally, Germany differs from France in terms of the cohesion of the established parties and the continuously weakening of the Alternativ für Deutschland. The analysis will compare these cases in order to find a common ground of the mainstream European parties and their strategies to contain the new right conservative movement.

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Main author information

Renato Ventocilla Franco (Brazil) 13660
Scientific production

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