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Algeria has embarked on a series of radical educational reforms since September 2003. The reforms covered all levels of Education, i.e., Primary, Secondary and University levels. Two major methodologies were implemented in 2003, namely, the Competency Based Approach to Language Teaching and the 3, 5 8 system of what is commonly known in Algerie as the LMD (Licence/Bachelor, Master, Doctorate). The objective was and still is to introduce ICT’s in the curriculum and encourage the student creative thinking and sense of responsablility in his learning process and to help the teacher accomodate his teaching methods to the uses of ICT’s. This presentation, which concentrates on the teaching of English as a Foreign Language in Algerian Universities, proposes an observation and analysis of the affects and effects of the CBLT within an LMD environment and see to what extent the tools put in place in terms of computers, digital boards, the internet providers, etc. have they been successful in the making of today’s algerian student and for the making of Educational Quality in Algerian Universities. We also touch on what went wrong from the start of these reforms in terms of Teaching / Learning facilities, teacher training, student’s motivation and needs under these reforms, the results of evaluation procedures and project writing in particular and why the initial objective of a Quality in Education in Algeria has finally failed to be achieved.

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Main author information

BOUHADIBA Abderrahmane, Noureddine (Algeria) 552
I'm a Professor of Linguistics in the Faculty of Foreign Languages (FLE) in the Department of English at Oran2 University, Oran, Algeria. My main area of interest is the Didactics of English, with special reference to Teaching English as a Foreign Language in Algerian Universities. My other area of investigation is Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics for the Arabic, English, and French languages.
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