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The teaching of Modern Greek Language and Literature & Visual Arts - Cinema in the A2 Level Class can be identified by a multiplicity of methodologies. In this paper, my main aim is to show the methods I use as a teacher to transmute the theoretical knowledge acquired, into practical application. I focus on applied methodology in writing essays (communicative circumstance, textual structure, the key words in vocabulary, typical forms), textual criticism in Modern Greek and Comparative Literature (historical framework, social environment, literary movements and aesthetic genealogies), conceptual and literary perception in the analysis of modern Greek films (multi-faceted intertextuality as recources for the teaching material) and the translation processes. Furthermore, I underline that the aim of my lessons is not only to gain an adequate knowledge of the prerequisites for the final assessment but to achieve a deeper understanding of what the Modern Greek Language and Literature & Modern Greek Cinema mean, the way they work, how interrelated are they and which is the pedagogic, social and cultural impact they have on what the students think of them nowadays.

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Stella Moysidou (United Kingdom) 12860
Scientific production

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