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The quality of higher education plays a pivotal role in the improvement of national economy and human growth. Ever since Higher Education Commission (HEC) was established, foreign money has been pouring in Pakistan to give a boost to higher education and increase the number of PhDs. Concentrated efforts are being put in by HEC to encourage quality research by facilitating universities to increase the number of PhD candidates. The aim of this study was to evaluate PhD theses in education available on official HEC website and to find out the academic writing and organizational skills used by the candidates. Eight PhD theses were randomly selected for this purpose from the four provinces. Qualitative research was opted using document analysis to give voice and meaning to the academic work. Create a-Research-Space (CARS) framework developed by Swales and Feak (1994) was used as the basis of data analysis. Introduction chapters were examined in relation to the thesis as a whole to study the moves used by the students, which included establishing a research territory, establishing a niche and occupying the niche. Three main academic writing features: tenses, vocabulary and style were also considered to explore the quality injected in the first chapter. Findings indicated that the moves and the use of language features were limited; therefore, affecting the quality of academic writing, the impact on the production of theses and consequently lowering the value of the research. This raises a pertinent question: Do the supervisors lack overall research skills, thereby lowering the quality of academic work of the students or is it ignorance on their part? The findings will be helpful to the supervisors as well as the research students to use appropriate moves during the supervision process and engage in foreign language writing over a lengthy period of time.
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