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I gave a paper a few years back about the impact of technology on knowledge and higher education and the interest that it created made me think that more conversations are necessary, across the disciplines and across countries, to arrive at some sort of concensus regarding the changes that need to take place in higher education to accomodate this new student that does not come to us from the same place as when the Internet did not exist or was not yet a common factor for all students.The questions I would like to raise in that round table are:Do we need to rethink the schedule of classes (are semester long classes necessary, are 4 year college years still relevant?)Are online classes as rigorous/interesting/assessable as live ones?Can we still expect and demand a general national and international culture based on traditional sources such as books?What is the new role of educators today? I hope to be part of that round table discussion to further my own research on new educational goals, which I expect to be a published paper in the next two years. 

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Marie Therese KILLIAM (United States of America) 13225
Scientific production

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