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Classroom management is a critical area in the curriculum of teacher education programmes.  Student teachers’ conceptions of the role of teacher as class leader are frequently backed by their own past experience as students and socio-cultural context rather than evidence-based. Conflicting views on how to maximize pupils’ engagement and achievement and how to prevent and deal with class disruptions often occur during the university-based course sessions. This paper examines the conceptions of classroom management held by a multicultural group of forty-five student-teachers attending a teacher education programme at a higher education institution in Macao, a Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China.  The study aims at understanding the patterns of variation expressed by student-teachers in regard to the purpose and relevance of the object of learning. It compares a) the patterns of variation in students’ views of classroom management, and b) the students’ learning progress based on the pre- and post-test. The study adopted the phenomenographic paradigm as the conceptual framework. Two major types of data were collected - handwritten transcripts and individual interviews. The findings show that changes in student-teachers’ understanding of the object of learning occurred during the course. The initial preferences for disciplinary approaches to classroom management have given way to conceptions of promoting the integration of classroom management as integrated into learning. The study contributes to rethinking best practices in classroom leadership and management strategies.

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Main author information

Ana Correia (Macao) 12889
Scientific production

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