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There is a growing body of research on creativity and its various correlates the implementation of the findings of which can lead to a dramatically different and better world of teaching English as a foreign language. Theoretical gains of creativity are truly promising, but the applied methods to imply those findings to the process of teaching capture only a small portion of our creative output. We suggest a divergent thinking, which, being diametric to the traditional creative approach should “brave the storm” by (a) applying our mind to the interdisciplinary approach to impart knowledge objectively (and thus avoid subjectively overemphasized status of one subject over the other); and (b) exciting our students to use critical reasoning to discover the secrets of “problem-solutions” by questioning existing values, beliefs and knowledge. For society and civilization to change progressively, we can achieve a perspective on our role as educators in shaping the mentality not only of ourselves but also of the students: They should be encouraged to ask not only about “know-what can be” (instead of “what is”). Rather, they should also reveal the reasons of “know-why” and “know-how”, what in turn, is possible if they understand the necessity of behaving imaginatively and approach each suggested problem consciously and creatively. It is the moment where minds of our students and teachers will actively pursue and create original answers to the aforementioned questions.

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Main author information

Huseynaga Rzayev (Turkey) 13208
Scientific production

Co-authors information

İlker Özçelik (Turkey) 13209
Scientific production

