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The App "DOPNEE.0" was designed to facilitate the study of the subject "Diagnosis and Orientation of People with Special Educational Needs" of the Degree in Pedagogy of the UNED. The original idea had already been recognized with the Award for the best Research Network in Teaching Innovation in the 8th Conference on Research Networks in Teaching Innovation of the National University of Distance Education (UNED). Its crystallization in practice has been possible thanks to a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Education (MECD). Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have a great impact on our society. We intend to take advantage of the use of ITCs for learning in higher education. In fact, this app is being used massively by our students and can facilitate the achievement of academics aims. An app is an educational support tool and as such is impregnated with the pedagogical principles of its developers. This implies, trying to go beyond the simple distribution of educational content, which considers the student as a passive consumer of knowledge. In addition, it requires flexible communication channels (horizontality) by using these channels to connect the subject with the world and the students (significant learning). Finally, the evaluation of the resource can be initiated from the app through a form embedded in the application. As a product it is flexible and dynamic, allowing the articulation of an educational response adjusted to previously detected needs; not as a closed product, but as an open one, which is being built with the participation of the students. This resource increases learning opportunities, is potentially motivating, improves the accessibility of the subject; and puts in value cross-cutting competencies (e.g., digital competence); it helps the student to achieve a successful journey. And all this, without underestimating the opportunities that learning analytics offers us for research.

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Main author information

Roberto Feltrero (Spain) 12786
Scientific production

Co-authors information

Mario Pena (Spain) 12787
Scientific production
Cecilia Rollano (Spain) 12788
Scientific production
Lidia Losada (Spain) 12789
Scientific production

