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The Computer Engineering Career of the State University of Costa Rica, belongs to the School of Exact and Natural Sciences (ECEN) and has as one of its objectives, to prepare professionals capable of contributing to the development of the Software Industry. (Computer Science, 2017). In the performance of our duties as professor of the Computer Engineering Career at the Costa Rican State University, we find very specific challenges in the teaching modality, which is unique in the country. One of those challenges is to train professionals in the area of Information Technology, which in turn involves observing and supporting the development of characteristics and skills in people entering the career, such as self-regulation, discipline, achievement orientation, the initiative among others. For the above, a study was carried out with subjects that due to their characteristics present a degree of complexity in their learning in order to observe the behavior of approval, failure and desertion, for the years 2015, 2016 and 2017. In the selected subjects new educational strategies were proposed, in order to support the increase in the percentage of approval, and at the same time ensure that the student acquires the knowledge that is required in order to form the required professional profile. The objective of this study is to observe the role of alternative resources as an educational strategy and its role in the percentage of approval in the selected subjects. In its development, the strategies used for innovation as virtual laboratories and educational videos are mentioned, to ensure the growth in the approval of the subjects under study, as well as their main recommendations and observations.
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