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Education in the UAE is undergoing a period of remarkable reforms to build thoughtful society and more specifically, develop students critical reading which is a vehicle for academic success. However, reports of international standardized test demonstrate the weak performance of Emirati pupils in reading test such as IELTS, PIRLS, and PISA. Ridge & Kippels & Farah (2017) argue that outdated teaching instructions and assessments stand behind UAE students weak results in international reading tests. Hence, this study aimed to explore critical reading experiences by Emirati 11th grade students according to Bloom’s Taxonomy. In this study questionnaire was distributed and analyzed for 11th grade students in public schools to find out what kind of questions and activities do students experience in English reading classes and how much of them agreed with Bloom’s Taxonomy. The results revealed that the majority of questions and activities conveyed to students in English reading classes agreed with the lower levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy, whereby 55% of questions and activities measure knowledge, and 35% of them measures comprehension. Those results are consistent with some studies conducted in the UAE context like Al-Sheikh (2014) to explore the use of metacognitive reading strategies by UAE high school students, found that although students reported that they use high level of meta cognitive strategies while reading, but in the actual practice they used fewer strategies especially in English language. Similarly, Abo-Salem (2016) Who conducted a study to measure test items used by teachers and how the test items agreed with Bloom’s Taxonomy levels. The results indicated that all test items measure just the lower three levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy.
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