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EMI is one of trends of English language teaching in many countries. In Vietnam, EMI has been introduced, deployed and implemented at tertiary level. With a sequential mixed design of policy document analysis, surveys and interviews at six universities in Vietnam, my research seeks to clarify the situation of EMI in tertiary EFL contexts and how this approach has been addressed in current national policy documents; students and lecturers’ perceptions of EMI, factors have impacted the adoption of EMI in Vietnam; the perceived impact of EMI courses on students’ English language proficiency, challenges faced by lecturers and students in EMI courses, the strategies have been used to overcome those obstacles and their suggestions for the improvement of EMI courses in Vietnamese universities. At this stage of the project, some initial results from a content analysis of seven national policy documents were discovered.  Education policy and language-in-education policy-making and implementation in Vietnam follows top-down procedures. The Vietnamese Government and the Ministry of Education and Training, typically initiates policy documents at the macro level and the policy implementation is carried out at micro level at different university settings. EMI is considered as a strategy for educational innovation and socio-economic development, however, up to now there have been no specific policies of EMI in Vietnam. EMI approach in Vietnamese context has been part and within broader educational and language-in education policy documents. The policy of EMI has been integrated and included reference to other national documents.

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Thu Thi Hoai Tran 1605
Scientific production

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