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Presentation abstract

This paper will develop the importance of the application of Business Intelligence and database management systems in an organization to help in making critical and important decisions for a company. In BI it is vital to use database management systems because they are the ones that give us the ability to store information in a secure and integrated way so that an information system is homogeneous and fully functional for the purposes required. In business intelligence the term data warehouses plays a very important role as it is a type of system that allows us to enable business intelligence activities specifically in the analysis of information.

Long abstract of your presentation

Business intelligence (BI) is a process that establishes mechanisms to perform analysis of an organization's data, business analytics, data mining, data visualization and is also to help organizations make decisions and take advantage of information in an optimal way. Another value is that it determines how to take advantage in an optimal way of the information that a company has, that is why the term BI (Business Intelligence.), is a process that establishes mechanisms to analyze the data of a company and to transform this information and make it useful to support decision making in the critical processes of a company.

Keywords (use both uppercase and lowercase letters)

Main author information

Johan Arbelaez (Colombia) 7091
Scientific production

Co-authors information

Jesus Ortiz (Colombia) 7092
Scientific production
Jorge Rojas (Colombia) 7093
Scientific production
Andres Arevalo (Colombia) 7094
Scientific production
JHOJAN PASCHON (Colombia) 7095
Scientific production

