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How do successful classes work with this approach? Using internet-based materials not only facilitates language teaching, but also helps teachers develop a number of skills like critical thinking and critical writing. This work shows up how internet- assisted materials may help learners activate their critical thinking and in turn develop their critical writing. According to the University of Leicester (2009) critical writing parts from an academic debate, where writers need to support their ideas with evidence. The following steps sum up the process to execute this approach. Choosing the resources: as English language teachers work on their lessons, they select internet- assisted teaching materials, these could be: images, movies, videos, diagrams, colors and whatever visual aids found on the net. In all cases materials should be eye- catching.Using the materials in the classroom: The presentation of the selected materials, is not tied up to any particular procedure. Nonetheless, learners are exposed to exciting, captivating, colorful and stimulating materials.Class discussion: Guiding a class discussion is key to stimulate students´ imagination and thinking. Teachers conduct brainstorms and elicit abundant vocabulary. They then display diagrams, mind maps, checklists, spiders and other ways to represent learners´ ideas. This stage leads learners, from looking at stimulating visuals and having stimulating discussions, to formulating critical questions and creating writing topicsChoosing the topic: As a result of the stimulating brainstorming, students produce a number of creative writing topics, that in turn help them develop a first outline of their writing. Writing the first draft: This is the step where students first produce a piece of writing. At this stage, they have gone through a discussion and have been exposed to a number of stimulating internet –assisted materials.

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Main author information

Celso Pérez Carranza 778
Scientific production

Co-authors information

Eliphelet Rivera Cuayahuitl 1179
Scientific production

