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In this study, theory and concepts from situated learning (Lave & Wenger, 1991; Collins & Greeno, 2010) have been applied to better understand the nature of the social contexts in which children and young people exhibit strengths.  Historically, forms of strength-based assessment have down-played the influence of social context on the development and expression of personal strengths (Bozic, Lawthom & Murray, 2018).  However, taking a situated view means that strengths are conceptualised as negotiated and recognised within particular forms of sociocultural activity.  In order to better understand the meaning of strengths and the way they emerge from ongoing involvement in social activity, this study has developed a relatively brief situated assessment strategy.  This uses observation and interview to explore how strengths are linked to key dimensions of involvement in activity.  The focus is on the meaning of participation, interaction and artefact use within the activity and how involvement over time changes the way a learner thinks about themselves.  Case studies will be used to illustrate how this approach has been used within the work of an educational psychologist working in UK schools.  The implications of taking this stance will also be discussed.

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Nick Mile Bozic 3065
Scientific production

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