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This study´s background is a growing interest in the quality of teacher educators´ work reflected in a strengthening of the professional profile for teachers in general. In Europe, teacher education is steered by centrally determined goals and learning outcomes. The research questions are: *How do teacher educators enter their position?  *In what way do they explain their professional identity? The concept of identity is defined in various ways, but its complexity makes exact explications difficult. Heggen (2008, p. 325) states that ‘profession identity’ denotes a collective identity, unlike ‘professional identity’ which includes the construction of personal identity related to the exercise of the professional role. This interview study include actors within two different teacher education institutions in Norway. Thirteen research interviews and two focus group interviews were undertaken with participants in the categories campus-based and kindergarten-based teacher educators. They were asked the following questions: When you teach professional theory, do you think about yourself as being a part of a profession? How did you become socialized into being a teacher educator? How did you qualify for this position? Do you have space to develop yourself in this function? The data was analysed using Bryman´s four stages of qualitative data analysis by reading, categorising, coding to construct a hierarchical matrix. The main findings illustrate that the teacher educators in this study have different understandings of being a profession. Some of them still express their identity from the discipline they were educated for. However, participants from one institution reported on an ongoing process aiming at creating identity as teacher educators building on their first career. Preliminary findings are discussed with relation to the Conceptual Model of Teacher Educator´s Professional Development (InFo-TED, 2017) in which identities are understood as influenced by, among others, visions, boundaries, communication and relations.

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Torhild Erika Hoydalsvik 3854
Scientific production

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