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This communication presents some results of an investigation developed with autobiographic narratives written by Brazilian Black Women and published in a blog called Blogueiras Negras. The research relies on post-structuralism perspective, articulating Foucaultian Studies and the Education field for focusing in/exclusion processes and racial relations. The investigation sought to understand how the processes of subjectivation of Black subjects are produced in contemporary Brazil and how these subjectivities help us to problematize Multicultural Education. The data was composed of 36 autobiographic narratives published by Black women between 2013 and 2016 year. Foucaultian notions of discourse and self-writing were used as theoretical and methodological tools. The results revealed that Blogueiras Negras blog works as a robust educative place, where women of color feel safe to talk about their experiences and learn with other women, which activate the process of becoming Black women. When authors write about school, experiences reported are always discriminatory and painful. For this communication, experiences of Black women in the school context are highlighted, problematizing learning and teaching processes considering the Multicultural Education field. Additionally, Critical Race Theory-CRT has offered support to analyze these processes. Black Women narratives are potentials for the curriculum conception, conducting researchers and teachers to think how school may be until nowadays, a place where racism stay present, as well as what could be done to change this reality and avoid racial discrimination and other kinds of prejudice. Moreover, work with autobiographic narratives in classrooms can help students and teachers to develop respect and empathy for other’s history, resulting in different subjectivities, other ways to understand themselves and the Other. Insofar as teaching commits with an anti-racist and inclusive education, the school could develop fewer violent processes of in/exclusion that result, above all, singular subjectivities.

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Main author information

Viviane Ines Weschenfelder (Brazil)
Universidad de Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS) (Brazil) 3982
Viviane has a Ph.D. and a Master's degree in Education from Unisinos University. She is graduated in History and Pedagogy. In 2017, she developed a doctoral internship at the University of Wisconsin - Madison/USA. Viviane has experience as a teacher and as a pedagogical coordinator in primary schools. Nowadays, she works as an Assistant Professor at Unisinos University, teaching undergraduate and specialization courses, as well as coordinating teacher training at the Innovation, Evaluation, and Teacher Education Department. She is a member of the two groups of research, about Teaching, Pedagogies, and Differences (GIPEDI/UNISINOS/CNPq) and Inclusion (GEPI/UNISINOS/CNPq). She works with themes related to race relations and education, affirmative politics, teacher education, cultural differences, and processes of inclusion/exclusion. She is the author of the book “Processos de (in)visibilidade do sujeito negro: o Jornal de Venâncio Aires/RS em questão”, published by Edunisc (2015).
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