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Educational drama is a technique that enables students to adapt to the environment and the social relationships they have established and to develop many skills. When the studies in this area are examined, it is seen that the studies are usually done on children but the studies with adults are limited. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of drama education on the adaptation behaviors of teacher candidates. The study group consisted of 39 teacher candidates which are belong to in second year of faculty of early childhood education. The participants were filled an open-ended questionnaire with questions about friendship relations, in-group interaction, intra-group interaction, and in-group collaboration and behaviors to initiate and maintain communication in the group. Participants were divided into two groups, and two groups were involved in drama studies which consisted of activities communication and interaction, trust and collaboration in total for 6 weeks. After the practice, the same questionnaire was redistributed to the participants. The data which is obtain from this research were analyzed by content analysis. Initial finding suggest that drama studies have an impact on the social relations of person, cooperation skills of person and intra-group interactions.

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Şule Sarıbaş (Turkey) 10612
Scientific production

Co-authors information

Scientific production
MUSTAFA YAŞAR (Turkey) 10619
Scientific production

