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The Science, Technology and Society learning approach (STS) tries to establish a relation between the rise of contemporary science and technology, developed from an integrative perspective of society. Learning is visualized as a process through which students associate every day knowledge with what they learn at school, thus forming students capable of making decisions and being aware of the collective benefit. The study was divided in two stages; the first one, recollecting information through interviews to professors, classroom observations, questionnaires to students and conceptual domain test; the second part consists of the STS proposal elaboration for organic chemistry. The perceptions regarding the professors’ teaching strategies were contrasted with the students’ opinions, and what was demonstrated in the observations by means of a triangulation. The results show that the STS approach is hardly even known by professors and used sporadically. Moreover, when making every day decisions, students perceive class’ concepts as irrelevant. In regards to these results, the developed proposal was based on a conflictive simulation (pure STS) assuming different social roles. The subject matter was about foreign companies drilling oil in a country, such as ours that is not accustomed to extracting oil. The designed materials included supporting documents for students, fictional news for context, and the explanatory teaching guide of the work’s methodology. The collected information allows to conclude that the STS approach is still emerging in the analyzed institutions, where traditional teaching strategies are predominant. Organic chemistry’s subject matter is a favorable topic for the development of alternative and more experiential methodologies because the citizen participation of the learners can be put in context.

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Silvia Elena Vallejo Astúa 3916
Scientific production

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