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Spain is a country that has achieved impressive gender equality in recent decades, however, in practice, the implementation of a gender perspective in teaching is practically not existent or poorly implemented. Until now, no measures have been developed to measure gender equality competence (GEC) in initial teacher education. Developing GEC is crucial. First, it is a priority on the international development agenda (United Nations, 2015), and second, teachers are central to the education system for the key roles they play in the transmission of values, knowledge, and skills. Bearing this in mind, measuring GEC is increasingly demanding at all levels. This study reports on the development and initial testing of a scale to assess the extent to which colleges of education prepare student teachers to be gender sensitive and to have the knowledge and skills to educate in a gender sensitive way in their practice as teachers. The study aims, first, to explore and confirm the dimensional structure and measurement invariance across gender of the GEC scale and, second, to know the level of GEC acquisition at the end of study programs. Participants are student teachers enrolled in their last year of study at a higher education institution in Spain, representing the cohorts of the year 2017-2018 (N = 600 aprox.). They were asked for their consent to participate, after permission were gained from the institution and the instructors. Respondents anonymously and voluntarily completed the survey at the beginning of one of their classes during second semester. Response rate was 79%. The sample consisted primarily of female teachers (84%), mean age of 21.44 (SD = 4.10), range 18-50, and most of them of Spanish nationality (97%). Results will be discussed in terms of identifying needs for gender equality competence development as findings can be in clear demand for change.
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