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Living in a society in which technology is embedded in our everyday lives means that all people, regardless of their age or social context, might benefit from developing digital literacy. Digital literacy is here understood as the means to understand, represent, communicate and mediate the world, and being able to evaluate and use digital information to create new knowledge. Yet, young people from economically challenged areas, as well as seniors, are often excluded from digital environments, for several reasons. Methodology: A qualitative design-based research was conducted to implement an intergenerational informal learning environment, where seniors who already have access to technology, and children from economically challenged areas, worked together in a virtual environment to develop digital literacy. The research was conducted in three cycles spanning across three years. Participants were 4 seniors (+65 years old) in the United States, and 8 children (10-13 years old) in Mexico. Data included interviews, video recording, diaries and 360-degree time-lapse photography. Thematic analysis was used to identify the common themes seen across all three cycles, in order to explore how and which digital literacies can be developed in a virtual intergenerational learning space, Preliminary results show that a third space was developed, in which: (1) Participants deeply experienced digital and empathetic connectivity through their virtual interaction. (2) Participants could identify further knowledge gaps in their own digital literacy. To bridge these gaps, they initiated appropriate enquiries, thus making further progress. These enquiries were closely informed by the individual’s previous knowledge, and relevant to the specific needs of their developing digital literacy. (3) Each person developed a diverse range of digital literacy, depending on their sociocultural context and prior knowledge. Because of the diversity, these differences complemented each other when the two generations worked together, resulting in scaffolding digital literacy in both groups.
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