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The Faculty of Economics and Business in Vitoria-Gasteiz (University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Spain) faces low rates of achievement and high dropout among first-year students of the degree in business, a situation that has motivated several actions in the framework of an educational innovation project. One of the actions put into practice has been a deep revision of the teaching methods in the mathematics subjects. The failing rates of these subjects are very high and a significant amount of students don´t even sit the final exams. This is largely due to the lack of a solid previous knowledge but it is also related with an insufficient motivation for the long-term study.In order to motivate students and achieve a deeper learning, some innovations have been implemented.  For example, the use of software has increased, focusing on the reasoning processes instead of on the mere calculation. Besides, some active methodologies have been included, such as the "creativity sessions", where students are involved in kinesthetic learning activities.Finally, a formative and continuous assessment has been introduced. Instead of being planned by the teacher, groups of students themselves should make up a quiz in Socrative that their classmates have to answer to with their smartphones at the beginning of each session. Therefore, the Socrative tool has in this context a double function: it encourages the preparation of suitable questions and it gives the students an opportunity to revise concepts, providing at the same time and immediate feedback.Although it is soon to draw definite conclusions, the teachers have perceived an increase in the motivation, a general engagement in the proposed activities and a high satisfaction with the teaching. The preliminary results also show some positive effects in the marks of the students from the first call, mainly those attending classes. 

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Main author information

Oihana Garcia-Alonso 3131
Scientific production

Co-authors information

Eneko Garmendia (Spain) 10018
Scientific production
Maria Garcia (Spain) 10038
Scientific production

