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It is not an exaggeration to begin by stating that there is no term that raises such problematizations as the concept of "citizenship", essentially contested and polysemic. This problematization is particularly relevant at a time when the so-called "civic games" had acquired social and scientific notoriety, both as objects of study and learning, and as devices for social and community intervention, often without a reflection of what citizenship is or should be. This communication is related to an educational research in which the objective was to build a "civic framework" with students, researchers and teachers (N = 73) of the academic community of Porto, using an innovative methodology as "participatory workshops” (N = 10). Beyond a purely theoretical understanding of the framework, one intended to involve different elements from different scientific areas and with different skills and game playing habits in the construction of a framework, based on their perspectives and experiences. From the data analyses, emerged four crucial civic dimensions such as: 1) Knowledge transmission and appropriation; 2) Identities, interactions and social relations and cultures; 3) Ethical values, tensions and challenges; 4) Civic and political awareness, attitudes and actions, each composed of more specific sub-themes. In this communication, the civic dimensions of the framework are presented and discussed in detail, hoping that the framework can be a powerful tool for constructing games, or analyzing the ones already created.

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Hugo Santos (Portugal) 10569
Scientific production

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