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My purpose in this paper is to explore the opportunities that Policy Archaeology offers as a method for my research problem, asking how is Policy Archaeology useful to study discourses on quality in the curriculum of teacher education in Latin America?Policy Archaeology has been developed by James Scheurich following the early works of Foucault (1972, 1973, 1979 and 1988) focusing on new ways of thinking about social and education policies and the social and education problems. The ‘discursive’ approach of my research is based on Derrida (1988) who suggests that ‘textuality’ is a ‘social practice’ that necessarily passes through the mediation of texts and discourses. It is informed by Foucault’s understanding of discourses as “practices that systematically form the objects of which they speak” (Foucault, 1972, p. 50).That is, all social practices go through texts, and all texts are themselves a social practice. According to Ferguson (2001), policy archaeology “goes beyond traditional and post-positivist policy analysis’s frameworks which are restrictive in that they accept or presume a commitment to the larger liberal worldview in which they exist” (p. 11). Policy Archaeology does not assume the superiority of dominant societal arrangements. It questions them. Importantly, in this paper I am trying to be aware of two things. First, that the discussion about curriculum inquiry occurs on a global scale and within national borders, often informed by governmental policies and priorities, and is thereby nationally distinctive (Pinar, 2003). Second, even though I am putting the focus on the notion of quality within global and national documents and policies, I also intend to study how it might affect teacher’s subjectivity.
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