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The transformations in gender balance and feminization of the migration facilitated the transformations in the migration legislation of the most countries in the world. The demand for women labor increased, so the considerable changes in gender relations in countries-donors and recipients occurred. Authors consider gender aspects of adaptation of migrants, determining everyday activities of Muslim women-migrants. The empirical base was the results of sociological research, realized in 2017 – 2018: quantitative survey among migrants and inhabitant population of Russian Asian borderlands (at the age of 15 -75, n = 800) and deep biographical interviews with women and men migrants (n = 200). Concluded, that women-migrants have active position and independency in taking decisions about migration, they adopt in the receiving country and more loyal to inhabitant population than men do. Women easily assimilate with aboriginal population; however, they try to strengthen ethnic identity. There are special barriers and disadvantages of being the Muslim women-migrants acting as a risk of marginalization, right and freedom gender discrimination. Migration intensifies the process of inclusion into social and cultural space of contemporary Russian society, but the activity and adaptation potential here depends on social capital of woman herself, her independency and flexibility. The most successful are women with high educational level, profession, labor skills, and knowledge of language, laws and migration requirements, relatives, residing in Russia, Russian fiends, and young age. While in the region of arrival, women face with the formation of gender asymmetry that is not characteristic for the courtiers with the traditional Muslim values. Gender aspect of migration became one of its determinants and require for systematic study and optimization of formation of effective social capital, corresponding and adequate answer for social challenges.
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