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The social aspects of the patient and their family environment are increasingly considered in strategies to overcome cancer without impairing their quality of life. However, little is known about their experiences in the processes and mechanisms of knowledge mobilization to perform their care work, particularly in Mexico   Objectives Identify the knowledge needs of the binomials (oncology patients and their non-professional caregivers), where they obtain their knowledge and how do they mobilize it to carry out the work of care.   Methods During 2016 and 2017, an exploratory study, mixed methods, was conducted in Mexico. Fourteen in-depth interviews with binomials, participant observations in two face-to-face and two online mutual help groups, 97 semi-structured interviews with medical staff from three hospitals and online interviews with academic experts in this field.   Results There were few coincidences between the knowledge mobilization strategies reported as successful by the binomials and those described by the medical staff and academic experts. Among others, two very important aspects were identified: invisibility of non-professional caregivers by medical personnel and the importance and relevance of the use of online networks and internet regardless of socioeconomic characteristics   Conclusions Current policies regarding care and accompaniment to non-professional caregivers of oncological patients do not incorporate neither in their design nor in their implementation the strategies and processes of knowledge mobilization reported as feasible and successful. It is needed to know the opinions and experiences of all actors involved if we want to improve their wellbeing.

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Rosario García-Miranda 3426
Scientific production

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