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Since 2011, Morocco, date of mobilization of the Arab peoples or what is called the Arab Spring, knows waves of recurring protests that despite the diversity of their styles is approaching the level of the social nature of the proclamations; demonstrations against the degradation of public services, claims of social rights, call for the extension of freedom of expression ..etc. we can generally say that the Moroccan people are experiencing an increase in their conscience which allows them to judge and criticize the policies of the State but by doing this it challenges a whole background of truths about spatial justice, territorial governance and equality before the law. for the protesters, despite the changes the planet is going through, their leaders remain clinging to outdated ideologies that speak out against corruption, the hoarding of opportunities, and social injustice. It is not their fault that some activists are demanding, it is the fault of the paradigms and modes of conception that have become obsolete and do not take into account the liquidity of globalization, which never cease to reveal the truths on which the old ones are based. narratives (according to JFLYOTARD) and aggravate the crisis of legitimacy of the state and political elites and weakens the power of the administration.
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