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Fashion magazine covers, as well as imagery utilized on social media platforms, are influential messengers of contemporary beauty ideals.  It is common knowledge that images of celebrities, models, and individuals on print, digital, and social media are often manipulated to enhance preferred physical attributes such as larger bust, pectorals, or hips, longer legs, smoother skin, smaller waists, larger eyes, whiter and straighter teeth, fuller hair, and other characteristics. France was the first country to legally mandate the labeling digitally altered photographs of models to look thinner in print media. Such legal action was deemed necessary to address the messages print media sends to both children and adults about their real bodies, their aesthetic ideals (both inaccessible and accessible), their consumption practices, and their value in society based upon their appearance.  Furthermore, legal action takes into account who is creating and controlling the distribution of these messages and how to protect the most vulnerable groups in our society upon whom such messages have the most negative impacts.  Theirs was an effort to address a global mental and physical public health crisis. My paper presents a comparative analysis of policy responses to confront these issues of misrepresentation and public policy.  I draw upon marketing and legal history in America to excavate how US has addressed the issue of digitally altered photos in the context of commercial speech.  Second, I examine difference in global policies relating to public health and personal well-being.  Third, I explore how France’s efforts emphasize the importance of the impact of visual culture in American consumption practices particularly with respect to body image.

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Elka Stevens (United States of America) 10647
Scientific production

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