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For a long time European actors have tried to strengthen countermeasures to decrease level of dependency to Russian export of fossil fuel. Since the relations became tense due to Russian offensive on Ukraine, and Russian energy policy based on using of energy card as weapon, this policy represents not only an economic but also a strategic and geopolitical decision. It is also known that USA supported anti-Russian gas policies not only because of ups and downs in the Russian-American relations but also because of American own gas doctrine under Trump Administration. Therefore Europe is between hard and rock places and tries to construct a common, solid and sustainable energy policy without damaging balance between Russian-European and Russian American relations. Geopolitical competition in the greater Mediterranean ranged from Persian Gulf to Syria not eases European strives and keeps creating new risks and opportunities. In this brief presentation authors try to understand current global and regional energy trends in order to explain what will the future bring for the European energy geopolitics.

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nursin guney (Cyprus) 9847
Scientific production

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