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The Rural Support Program Network in financial support from European Union has devised a comprehensive program named Balochistan Rural Development & Community Empowerment Programme (BRACE) to eradicate poverty in the nine most deprived districts in Balochistan province of Pakistan. Among other interventions, alleviation of poverty at household level is the top priority for the RSPN since the livelihood and other entrepreneurial opportunities for communities are least as compared to the other parts of Pakistan. Poverty is one of the main issues in Balochistan and analysis of poverty dynamics in Balochistan is at the core of BRACE’s design and strategies to reduce poverty through Community Driven Development approach. Poverty dynamics would examine the flow in both directions which is essential for calculating the risk of falling into poverty in any community and the probability that currently poor individual will escape poverty in years to come. Since its inception, this programme has adopted RSPN’s old tried and tested three tier social mobilisation approach to give voice to the rural communities by developing a social pillar. The Programme aims to create demand by mobilising the people and build the capacity of the government to ensure supply. This will enable the Government of Balochistan to strategically adopt the community-led development (CLD) approach for community empowerment by developing and implementing a strategic policy framework. The current study was conducted in 09 district by using participatory action research.

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Rahim Bakhsh (Pakistan) 10537
Scientific production

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