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Brazil is the country with the largest Catholic population in the world, representing 27.5% of Catholics and, despite all the achievements, still live in a patriarchal culture with important cultural constructs regarding the role of women. Abortion in Brazil is a crime but is carried out clandestinely, through precarious means with dramatic impacts on the health and life of women, intensifying social inequalities to the extent that criminalization reaches more women who are already in social vulnerability. With the current election of the President of Brazil identified with a conservative conception of the family, against abortion and against affective relations that do not follow the heteronormative model, rigorous studies and research are urgently needed to include the discussion of abortion, sexual and reproductive health and the repercussions on women's health and health as a public health issue. We present the results of a research project that has as its object the theme of abortion and the speeches of health policy managers, candidates for political positions, representatives of religious institutions, researchers and scholars and Brazilian society in general. We present subsidies for strategies to protect the health of Brazilian women, based on the analysis of these discourses, with emphasis on the protection of women, since clandestine abortion generates harmful impacts on health and directly inflicts citizenship. Therefore, it is essential to give visibility to the reality of abortions clandestine in Brazil, the sequels in women's lives and the speeches of those who have the power to interfere to develop strategies of protection and protection for women who abort or may come to abort.
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