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This paper examines the cities in the Early Medieval (Dravidian) phase of urbanisation in india from an environmental and technological perspective. The main objectives of this paper are (1) to examine the significant ecological aspects of siting, planning, architecture and construction materials and other characteristic features of the cities that were closely linked with the natural environment; (2) to explore the initiatives of the society towards environmental protection in terms of environmental conservation measures, sustainable practices and eco-friendly techniques adopted in these cities; and (3) to evaluate the contemporary relevance of the technologies, measures and practices identified.This is the first of its kind review of the Early medieval cities in India that flourished from sixth to thirteenth century. Some of the important findings are: (1) the siting of cities usually in valley floors, their planning according to the principles of vastushastra, use of locally available materials for construction and the architecture in response to the climate demonstrated ecological sustainability; (2) clearing of wastelands for building cities and creating tanks ensured preservation of the limited availability of fertile agricultural land; (3) water had a dominant role in establishment of these cities, as manifested in the innumerable, versatile and eco-friendly water harvesting structures; (4) the land-grant based settlements were the harbinger of advanced farming methods; (5) protection and preservation of forests was ensured through the tradition of sacred groves, whereas vegetarianism and association of animals and birds as vehicles of Hindu Gods and Goddesses helped in their protection and conservation; and (6) eco-friendly techniques were used for water purification and management of sewage and wastes. Some of these technologies, measures and practices are relevant even today and can be adopted to make the present-day Indian cities ecologically sustainable.

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Main author information

Anjali Sharma 361
Scientific production

Co-authors information

Manoj Kumar (India) 10120
Scientific production
Maheshwari Singh (India) 10121
Scientific production

