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To face the overwhelming  pressures on the global environment and the need to disrupt the systems that drive them, priority is given to a set of values, norms and policies to ground communication, advocacy, public policies, teaching and research programmes. Instead of surrendering to specialisation and fragmentation, attention is given to the “general phenomenon”, in view of the paradigms of growth, power, wealth, work and freedom embedded into the cultural, social, political and economical institutions, encompassing all dimensions of being in the world, as they combine to elicit the events and organise for change: intimate, interactive, social and biophysical. To change perspectives, develop boundary-crossing skills, and cope with complexity and expertise in a critical and creative way, new socio-cultural learning niches, within and outside the academic area, shall counteract the current asymmetries of knowledge and power and the lack of pluralism in decision-making, increasing informational transparency and social space for civic engagement.The proposal relates to how taken for granted worldviews, values and perceptions affect environmental problems, quality of life and the state of the world, it deals with a larger conceptual, ontological and epistemological framework encompassing the isomorphy and transfers of concepts, laws and models in different areas: political, economic, social, scientific, etc.The methodology is experiential and reflexive, “reality” is revealed in a specific space-time horizon of understanding, feeling and action: subject-object relationships are unveiled (intimate dimension), statements are shared (interactive dimension), setting the ground to examine different forms for being-in-the-world (social and biophysical dimensions).

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André Francisco Pilon 4796
Scientific production

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