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The present qualitative action research study was focused on enhancing students’ writing skills -understanding writing as a situated practice- through the creation of a diary following a genre based approach, having as a basis two important women’s life stories: Policarpa Salavarrieta and Frida Kahlo. The study was developed throughout the first semester of 2017 and the second semester of 2018 in an EFL classroom with sixty-two students of two third grades at Liceo Femenino Mercedes Nariño School, Bogotá, Colombia, as part of a project degree. Along the project, data was collected by means of surveys, interviews, field notes and artifacts produced by the students: the diary. Data revealed that he use of the real women’s life stories as a writing model had a supportive, enthusiastic and encouraging role; while the students used the stories as a guide to build their own texts in a diary, they learned grammar forms, improved their writing skills, expressed their feelings and dreams, and moreover, taking into account that at the beginning of the project students were not able to recognize the importance of the role of women in society, they found themselves as valuable and important women in society.
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