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Globalization is changing the Translation world day after day, year after year. The need to know more about new technologies, clients, companies, project management and social networks is becoming more and more demanding and increasingly competitive. The recently graduated Translators usually do not know where to go, what to do or even who to contact to start their careers in translation. It is well known that there are innumerous webinars, books, blogs, webpages and even Facebook pages indicating what to do, what not to do, rates, how your CV should look like, etc. but are these pieces of advice of real translators? Translators who work daily with clients, who understand their demands, requests, questions? As far as today`s trends, the answer is NO. Most of these pieces of advice are just theoretical and far away from the real translation world. Therefore, Mentoring is becoming a highly important tool to help and guide new translators starting their career. An effective and well oriented Mentoring is a powerful way to orient these translators on how to create their CVs, where to send CVs, how to approach clients, how to answer emails and how to negotiate rates in an efficient way. Mentoring is a crucial pedagogical tool and even a psychological trigger, when properly delivered by professional and experienced translators, to help in the so aimed career development. The advice and orientation sessions which are almost 100% done online, using Skype, are almost a “weapon” to destroy the barriers created by opinions, by influences or even by universities. This new orientation trend is the future path for new translators and is the future of the Translation industry and professionals, therefore, minds and spirits need to be opened and engaged in this new trend of developing skills. 

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Ana Sofia Saldanha 311
Scientific production

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