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This paper will be a presentation of the results of a research study in Croatia. Its authors want to explore the extent to which university students studying to become nursery and primary school teachers (over 100 participants) are aware of the importance of certain values and to what extent they are aware of the values that can be passed on through FL teaching and intercultural contents. The research study deals with traditional, educational, social & cultural values. Only one instrument is used: a self-structured questionnaire. The items in the questionnaire include among others the following values: family, individual and social morality, religion, ethical, personal values and friendship, aesthetic, national values, diligence, obedience, honesty, responsibility, solidarity, knowledge, religion, identity, tolerance, critical thinking, openness, respect for the environment, righteousness, conscientiousness, freedom, responsibility, patriotism, friendship, honesty, integrity, avoidance of ethnocentrism, discrimination, racism and xenophobia, suppression of prejudices and stereotypes, acceptance of diversity, openness and criticism.   This research study is a continuation of an earlier research study of the same authors with a third researcher. The participants in the earlier research study were teachers in Croatian primary and secondary schools (68 participants). The results of this current study will be compared with the results of the earlier research study to see possible differences between present teachers and prospective future teachers. The initial hypotheses are that prospective will mostly believe in the possibility of passing on intercultural contents to their as well as of diminishing prejudices and stereotypes.The other author of this paper is Draženko Tomić form the University of Zagreb / Faculty of Teacher Education

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Main author information

VLADIMIR LEGAC (Croatia) 10089
Scientific production

Co-authors information

Vladimir Legac 3972
Scientific production

