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In the interface between two research groups of the University of Vale do Taquari – Univates, two collections of Digital Learning Objects (DLO) are being evaluated and experimented in a perspective of reading teaching in a metacognitive level. These DLO aim to promote autonomous learning by raising awareness of reading strategies in a digital environment of interaction with the text. In this paper we present the findings of one of the steps of the research, whose objective was to evaluate the impacts on the learning of reading comprehension through interaction with the ODA of the second collection. To implement the methodology, the research subjects – two groups of 7th grade students from a public school and a private school – participated in sessions of interaction with the ODA. Before and after the sessions, reading tests were applied. In addition, a satisfaction questionnaire was applied. As previous results, we noticed that a) the interaction with the ODA has a positive impact, in the students' view, due to the innovative nature of the reading experience; b) it was not possible to evaluate the effects of this interaction on reading learning in the study groups, unlike what we showed in previous studies, when we evaluated the first collection. Although inconclusive, these results reinforce the argument that the teaching of reading can be enhanced with digital didactic material, focusing on metacognitive reading strategies.

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Main author information

Kári Lúcia Forneck 2157
Scientific production

Co-authors information

Silvana Martins (Brazil) 9122
Scientific production
Keylliane Martins (Brazil) 9124
Scientific production

