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The scientific revolution is strictly related to events occurring in Europe during the early modern period (second half of 15th century- 1815 approximately). Despite its shared general characteristics, this epochal epistemological transformation was traversed by different tendencies, conceptions and methods, strictly related to divergent geocultural conditions within the ‘Old Continent’. In this regard, the strongest cultural dichotomy to take shape during this age and contribute to the emergence of the new scientific mentality referred to Catholic Southern and Protestant Northern Europe. For instance, Italian Renaissance in the south and Dutch Golden Age in the north were the most relevant, influential and diversified expressions of the two areas. This paper specifically illustrates how during early modernity Italian and Dutch cultures and particularly artistic traditions contributed differently to both the theoretical and practical developments of science. Firstly, the dissertation will compare the two forms of detextualization of space operated by Italian artists as such as Leonardo Da Vinci and ‘art theorists’ as such as Alberti, and by Dutch artists as such as Vermeer and Rembrandt. Each detextualization allowed for the development of science as mostly based on: - Mathematics, particularly geometry, with the intensive application of perspective and focus on abstractness by Italian culture. - Experimentation and empirical observation, with the flatness and focus on precise description by Dutch culture. Finally, the dissertation will explore how these two different contributions of culture to science find their concrete expression in two relevant figures of the scientific revolution: the Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei and the Dutch physicist and inventor Christiaan Huygens. This work contributes to the Congress by demonstrating through a specific case study how science dos not abruptly distance humanity from cultural contexts but it is historically and geographically influenced and even internally differentiated by them.

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Andrea Bergamini 329
Scientific production

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