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Collaborative work is advantageous for students since they can share knowledge through social interactions. Higher Education Institutes (HEI) promote collaborative work to improve students’ interactions and prepare them to acquire knowledge through these interactions. They use face to face or online space to deliver group work where the Virtual World (VW) is one such online space that is used to deliver group work. However, in Sri Lanka, HEI does not use VWs to conduct collaborative activities. Hence, the VW is a new online environment for the Sri Lankan students, and we explore how they collaborate in a virtual game designed in the VW.To explore the above, we worked with 48 students of Sri Lankan HEI who voluntarily agreed to participate. They are first-year students of the Information Technology course, and they formed 11 groups to engage in the virtual activity. This virtual activity is designed as a game which adopted the scavenger hunt game concept. According to this game, different questions are hidden in the virtual space, and group members need to find them. An answer to the question gives a hint to find the next hidden question. Likewise, there are 34 questions hidden where the group members need to find and solve them.After the students completed the virtual collaborative work, we collected their experiences and comments using a questionnaire and semi-structured interviews. Then we analysed the collected data using both quantitative and qualitative techniques. According to the results, more than 95% of the students found that group members’ interaction during the activity was high. Overall, students reported that VW is a useful environment to deliver group work in which they can work with motivation. Finally, we summarise that VW is useful to deliver collaborative work in Sri Lankan HEI.

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Main author information

Punsisi Somaratne (United Kingdom) 8386
Scientific production

Co-authors information

Maricarmen Gilortega (United Kingdom) 8239
Scientific production

