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This paper tends to signify the definition of “Cube of truth” the act of activism, running by the animal rights activist group called Anonymous for the Voiceless which is currently active in over 400 cities around the world. The author picks the movement in “Bangkok city chapter" as the case."Cube of truth" itself is the attempt to show the footages inside slaughterhouse by having the group of volunteers holding the laptop and screening to the public. This not only requires people to look but also to reasoning the validation of agricultural practice that victimises the animal in order to alter the view of meat consumption.Under the realm of indicating the unpleasant images, all the acts from both activists and bystanders could be analysed and deconstructed through the lens of visual culture which could explain one aspect of phenomena of unawareness in Thai society.The discourses of the paper derive from the investigation and experience of the author who runs the activism over a year and also from the attempts of being the outsider and bystander. The subordinate topic focuses on the use of activist’s body, tools, materials to influence the sight of the public. Secondly, discourse discusses the function of the main material of the activism which is the horrific footage that induces people to reconsider their food choice in regards to the politics of sight which is coined by Timothy Pachirat. Thirdly, the definition of movement in public space, in terms of what it means to organise and provoke pedestrian in the area that leads to interrupt the sense of welcoming, comfortability and relaxation, combining with the reaction to the various type of glance and distance.

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Worapoj Inlao (Thailand) 10840
Scientific production

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