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The central argument of this paper is to investigate the meta narratives build around images, signs and symbols in everyday life. The study aims to locate its interpretation and reinterpretation in relation to public vis-à-vis private space . An image can have multiple narratives subject to its use and abuse for the hedonistic consumption in postmodern times. Also, diverse narrative symbolize socio-political reality which eventually constitutes new discourses . To comprehend it further, the visual narratives embodies corollary to socio-historical dichotomy and cultural dispositions in ever changing symbolic world that can influence reality . Hence, the constant change justifies its accommodation despite its complex traits of socio-political will. This dialectics carries unique sense of social reality juxtaposing the receptivity across class, caste and gender in mitigating collective consciousness over a period of time. As images enters the hyper real space of the public divulging their sensitive cognizance, the study deals with images and their mediations in locating multiple identities. Consequently, the images of gods and deities(Indian Gods- Hanuman,Ram,Kali and Shiva) are often utilized to invoke meta belief affinities and loyalties predominating their cultural versus political membership of a nation state. For instance, the simulacra of a single image can project Hanuman as inclusive God- masculine savior, who otherwise happens to be “default deity’’ as quoted by Philip Lutgendorf. This masculine ideal tough image communicates a gendered connotation replenshing socio-political identities to nourish the complex schizophrenic experience of the post modern alacrity. However, the meanings and its interpretations has the potential to capitalize the multitude (given by media discourse or by mass cultural productions) and homogenizing them as well, despite their differences. Therefore, the goal is to understand the negotiations of the images and its interpretation with effect to politics and communication of visual discourse.
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